Brandon LaBelle

Brandon LaBelle es un artista, escritor y teórico que trabaja con la cultura del sonido, la voz y temas de agencia. Desarrolla y presenta proyectos y representaciones artísticas en una variedad de contextos internacionales, a menudo trabajando en colaboración y delante de público. Es autor de The Other Citizen (2020), Sonic Agency: Sound and Emergent Forms of Resistance (2018), Lexicon of the Mouth: Poetics and Politics of Voice and the Oral Imaginary (2014), Diary of an Imaginary Egyptian (2012) , Territorios acústicos: cultura sonora y vida cotidiana (2010) y Ruido de fondo: perspectivas del arte sonoro (2006). Es editor de Errant Bodies Press, Berlín, y Professor en el Department of Contemporary Art, University of Bergen.
Brandon LaBelle is an artist, writer and theorist working with sound culture, voice, and questions of agency. He develops and presents artistic projects and performances within a range of international contexts, often working collaboratively and in public. He is the author of The Other Citizen (2020), Sonic Agency: Sound and Emergent Forms of Resistance (2018), Lexicon of the Mouth: Poetics and Politics of Voice and the Oral Imaginary (2014), Diary of an Imaginary Egyptian (2012), Acoustic Territories: Sound Culture and Everyday Life (2010), and Background Noise: Perspectives on Sound Art (2006). He is editor of Errant Bodies Press, Berlin, and Professor at the Department of Contemporary Art, University of Bergen.